Saturday, July 09, 2005

A Good(ie) Idea?

I've always loved this concept - not the malfunction part, just the spanking on demand. Anyone else ever fantasized about a machine? I know it's not the ideal situation - we all want that human contact (pun intended). But boy, there are times when this sure would come in handy -like when hubby is out of town! (Can we tell that a certain redhead is in serious need of a little theraputic butt-clapping?) I also just noticed that this drawing was done by a Brit - the price sign says '10p' instead of '10 cents'. And that seems pretty cheap to me. At those prices, I'd have a red backside a lot of the time! How does anyone else feel about a machine? And what features would yours have? I'd have more settings than this one, that's for sure. How about a removeable hand so that you could change out implements? Maybe a better padded lap for comfort? *Sigh* More dream fodder for tonight..........