Thursday, July 24, 2008

Holy sh*t, Batman!

It is 79 degrees here in England today! I'm speechless....... I just can't say any more..... I'm all verklempt..............


BrianAlt said...

I guess you haven't converted to celsius yet. At least I HOPE that's the case!!! Is London burning again?!?

And you're Jewish too?

Karyn said...

Yes, they use celsius here, but I'm guessing most folks on the blogs are not metric minded so I keep it in fahrenheit. If I said wow, it's 26 degrees here today, most of them would think we were freezing! No, I'm not Jewish. Typical red-headed WASP. But I know lots of yinglish. Great language! One of the best words we should know in yinglish is tuchas, which of course means buttocks!

BrianAlt said...

Tuchas, yeah, this seems to be a theme around here for some reason...